spring things

Spring is taking its sweet time here in the Northeast this year. Even on the cusp of May, I'm hunkered down in my studio with my Icelandic sweater and a cup of hot tea, though I know we'll be longing for cooler days again soon enough.

The shop is finally stocked with spring things, including our long-awaited Spring Getaway Kit, which includes a few beautiful limited-edition treats for the season. The small-batch yarrow and rose geranium hydrosols in this season's Spring Tonic Spritz (from our friends at Wildroot Botanicals) are particularly exquisite, and I hope you'll feel inspired to try including this blend in your own spring beauty rituals.

The garden at 6&B is also beginning to come alive with spring ephemerals, and this year I'm looking forward to sharing more of what's happening there, especially in regards to our native plant collection that's being nurtured into fruition by the devoted ladies of the Horticulture Committee. The past week or so has seen the blossoming of the periwinkle-hued creeping phlox (Phlox subulata), the native bleeding heart (Dicentra eximia), a patch of golden Merrybells (Uvularia grandiflora), as well as a quick jaunt to the Rock Garden Society's plant sale that yielded two native Heuchera villosa. Be sure to follow along here for the latest. If you're in town, we'll be hosting our annual Plant & Bake Sale this weekend (May 3rd & 4th, 11am-6pm both days). I'll be bringing some of these, and a few other treats, as well.

A few other bits of sweetness from this week:

Yoke Quarterly has launched, and I'm so delighted to be a part of it!

If you're looking for the perfect handmade offering for Mother's Day, take a peek at Madesmith's gift guide.

Marble & Milkweed is now a proud supporter of Butterfly Project NYC!

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summer is here!


just before spring